Coming Soon!
Paul Jeene (Netherlands), doctor MD
Harvard University
“Throughout the ages, sick the relationship between the physical and the mental has been a matter of debate. In the Boabom philosophy, website such a relationship is prominently present. However, even if this assumed relationship would not exist at all, Boabom leads to various absolute physical improvements.
First of all, it appeals not only to sport fanatics, but also reaches out to a group that is notorious for being both not prone to work out and also would greatly benefit from it. This because the physical challenge is adapted to one’s capabilities instead of demanding it the other way around. This group consist of (but is not limited to elderly, overweight people and people in poor physical health.
Second, a lot of exercises in Boabom improve your balance. You might not have noticed before, but keeping your balance requires a tremendous effort of a lot of muscles, of which many are very small. These muscles tend to be left out in most sports that mainly focus on larger muscle groups. Unlike joints, muscles can be trained and actually get a lot stronger. The same muscles that are needed to keep your balance can alleviate the forces applied to your joints, such as the knees and the spine. This way, damaged or worn joints can be relieved. Notorious pain in the lower back and knees have been found to greatly benefit from such increases in these smaller muscles. Even in the very exact and scientific medical field it is generally agreed upon that lower back pain and stress are strongly correlated. As Boabom tends to reduce stress as well, the effects on lower back pain would be twofold.
Finally, Boabom gives you a cardiac and pulmonary workout. Depending on your physical condition at the beginning and the stage you’re attending, you’re training a different part of your cardiovascular system. In general, it is a long-interval based workout. By doing such a workout at least once a week for a longer period of time, muscle strength and the cardiovascular system improve, thus increasing general physical health. This reduces the risk of, diabetes, heart disease, immobility and death.
In short, exercise in general is beneficial to your health. Unlike many other sports, Boabom also appeals to the elderly, a group not prone to exercise. By improving your balance, forces applied to joints are ameliorated, thus relieving strain and wear on them. It can thus greatly reduce long-term lower back- and joint pain. Also improved balance reduces risk of falling, which is a great source of mortality and morbidity in the elderly.
It keeps you in shape, so you will perform better in daily life. And of course one could argue it is also fun!â€
L. Bossa (Brazil)
Psychologist, University Professor
& Lawyer
“The “ART OF ACTIVE RELAXATION” is a dynamic technique that joins soft and fluid exercises with breathing techniques (also called balance breathing or, Pranayama). These techniques work from the deepest levels of our consciousness as we use movements and breathing to achieve a balance between our body and mind, and throughout our entire organism.
Its benefits are many, felt from the very first classes and in basic aspects of the student’s personality: body, mind, emotion, volition:
a) By working with all the muscles of the body (including those that we barely use in everyday life) in a rhythmic and fluid way, this Art produces, on a physical level:
- relaxation of muscular tension
- rediscovery of the body’s inherently fluid and harmonious movement
- gives strength and balance to the body’s overall bearing
- facilitates the body’s expression
b) On the levels of emotion and volition, this Art helps to:
- unblock hidden and suppressed emotions
- increase one’s self-esteem
- develop trust in oneself
- increase decisiveness
- directs and disciplines the will
- increases one’s level of satisfaction with oneself
- improves perception
c) On the general mental level, this Art brings:
- increased concentration and attention span
- strengthening of long-term memory
- an increase in clarity of ideas, goals, and objectives
- a facility for problem solving, inclining one to alternative solutions
- an increased creativity
- better intellectual productivity
- a diminution of stress
- an increased facility for learning
Across all professions, one observes a general increase in the productivity of the individual, in his or her general state of well-being, balance, and overall energy. One also notices an increased capacity for abstract reasoning when faced with real situations, facilitating work without stress, and with greater efficacy and efficiency.
All of these effects I noticed within myself, as a result of studying and practicing this Art, in all of my professional duties: as a Clinical and Private Practice Psychologist, Professor of Psychology, Lawyer, and Student.â€
F. Cerna (Chile)
Physical Education, Sports & Recreation,
Rugby National Champion, Rowing National Champion.
“This Art, as a discipline and from an athletic point of view, fulfills all of the standards, requirements, and objectives sought by Physical Education; that is to say that it is a practice that fully develops a person, both physically and mentally.
It can be practiced by anyone, without restictions of age or gender, and can be used as rehabilitation and physical therapy. It develops motor skills that spread from our neurosensory perception to a wider spatial/temporal field through simple and complicated coordinative movements. It also improves our athleticism, along with strengthening our volition and mental prowess, leading us to a state of general health as it promotes and optimizes the general functioning of our organism, improving our respiratory, nervous, circulatory, and muscular systems. Mainly based in isotonic and isometric movements accompanied by opened and corrected breathing, it is a very effective discipline for enlarging our aerobic capacity while simultaneously enhancing us anaerobically.
Through constant and systematic training the student gains better muscle tone, corrects his or her posture, and comes to a balanced body weight. On the functional side of things I have to say that physical abilities are also enhanced, improving strength, agility, speed, resistance, power, flexibility, and general ease of movement.
The movements executed by the students are completely natural and do not require any additional load as the only resistance is given by their own body as they move it in every direction, allowing for a physical development that is strictly individual, tailored to the needs of each student.”
Health  > Scientific Study
“Boabom gives me flourishing health, approved a mind full of lucidity and joy, more info
a flexible and strong will. What more than this can be asked …?â€
(Quote from the book: [Nnu-Suto] The Secret Art of Boabom)
The Arts taught by our School can be described from many different points of view, but in their essence the ideals of health and vitality are always present. If you would like, you can read the opinions of some professionals who have taken our courses.
The ideals of health and vitality are an integral part of our Arts. They also speak of a health that is not merely physical but holistic: a concept of “being” and “feeling” well. Thus the health of our students improves drastically as they pass through the stages of our Art. This integral health is directly related to the equilibrium of body and mind developed by our teachings, strengthening our immune system and preventing future disease in all of the body’s integral systems.
Here is a summary of positive results reported by many students of Boabom:
- The Circulatory system: Boabom strengthening the heart through aerobic exercise and cleaning the arteries and veins (lowering cholesterol, ridding the student of excess fat, etcetera).
- The Respiratory system: By using the Boabom breathing techniques that enlarge lung capacity and clean the airways, helping the student to overcome asthma and respiratory ailments, as well as encourages and aids the student in quitting smoking.
- The Skeletal system: Boabom increasing bone mass and speeding up bone regeneration, making for generally healthier and more mobile bones and joints; helping to prevent and to cure diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, etcetera, serving as does a chiropractor or orthopedist, only self-applied.
- The Muscular system: Boabom developed a harmonious and healthy muscle development while simultaneously relaxing and re-energizing all of the muscles in the body.
- The Digestive system: By practicing Boabom cycles of movements, as a system of relaxation, the student’s body is aided in digestion, helping to cure ulcers, an irritated colon, and many other diseases.
- The Lymphatic system: Boabom increasing the processes related to the lymph-nodes. The positive energy developed by the student has a direct and positive effect on the body’s defenses, notably improving the immune system; the defenses of the human organism are inextricably tied to its mental and emotional state.
- The Nervous system: The Boabom student becoming more balanced and more centered, he or she rapidly overcomes depression and other negative mental states. The students sleep better as stress, with all of its attendant (trivial!) concerns, vanishes.
- The Sensory system: by the Boabom student finding an improvement in all of his or her senses, from improved vision and hearing, to a better sense of smell, to a generally greater sensitivity to the entire world.
- General Emotional State: Through studying these Arts, the student increases her or his feelings of personal security and self-worth, developing tranquility and strength of character alongside humility, self-control, and a healthy, positive energy.
Note: The complete study is in the “The Secret Art of Boabom†by Asanaro.
Summary of the Study:
Authors: Ismael Carvajal G., MD.
Francisco D. Göpfert, Psychologist.
Date of the Study: 2005
Number of respondents: 80 people
Question and results                    Graphics

Final Comments
The results of the present investigation allowed us to make a first approach to the positive effects that for years were verbally described by those who practice the discipline of Boabom. Starting from the obtained results, as in any investigation new questions arise that can only be answered through future investigative efforts, whether along the proposed lines or in any new direction which might emerge from the creative mind of any reader. Despite this, we cannot forget that the scientific thought is only one great method to come closer to knowledge, and in no way it is possible to fully broach the challenge of the individual experience. No matter how much we try to measure effects, understand processes, or evaluate the development of the practice of this discipline, no matter how much we analyze it in detail and later on categorize the results, never will the whole will be equal to the sum of the parts, and hardly will it be possible to transmit on paper the sensations and emotions of those who practice relaxation in movement, which, according to what has been presented in this work, gives multiple benefits to human development and to the quality of life of those who practice it. Investigation is necessary: it allows us to organize and present to others something as positive as Boabom, but it is naïve to think that it is enough.
February 28, 2005.
Health  > Scientific Study
“Boabom gives me flourishing health, look a mind full of lucidity and joy, physician
a flexible and strong will. What more than this can be asked …?â€
(Quote from the book: [Nnu-Suto] The Secret Art of Boabom)
The Arts taught by our School can be described from many different points of view, but in their essence the ideals of health and vitality are always present. If you would like, you can read the opinions of some professionals who have taken our courses.
The ideals of health and vitality are an integral part of our Arts. They also speak of a health that is not merely physical but holistic: a concept of “being” and “feeling” well. Thus the health of our students improves drastically as they pass through the stages of our Art. This integral health is directly related to the equilibrium of body and mind developed by our teachings, strengthening our immune system and preventing future disease in all of the body’s integral systems.
Here is a summary of positive results reported by many students of Boabom:
- The Circulatory system: Boabom strengthening the heart through aerobic exercise and cleaning the arteries and veins (lowering cholesterol, ridding the student of excess fat, etcetera).
- The Respiratory system: By using the Boabom breathing techniques that enlarge lung capacity and clean the airways, helping the student to overcome asthma and respiratory ailments, as well as encourages and aids the student in quitting smoking.
- The Skeletal system: Boabom increasing bone mass and speeding up bone regeneration, making for generally healthier and more mobile bones and joints; helping to prevent and to cure diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, etcetera, serving as does a chiropractor or orthopedist, only self-applied.
- The Muscular system: Boabom developed a harmonious and healthy muscle development while simultaneously relaxing and re-energizing all of the muscles in the body.
- The Digestive system: By practicing Boabom cycles of movements, as a system of relaxation, the student’s body is aided in digestion, helping to cure ulcers, an irritated colon, and many other diseases.
- The Lymphatic system: Boabom increasing the processes related to the lymph-nodes. The positive energy developed by the student has a direct and positive effect on the body’s defenses, notably improving the immune system; the defenses of the human organism are inextricably tied to its mental and emotional state.
- The Nervous system: The Boabom student becoming more balanced and more centered, he or she rapidly overcomes depression and other negative mental states. The students sleep better as stress, with all of its attendant (trivial!) concerns, vanishes.
- The Sensory system: by the Boabom student finding an improvement in all of his or her senses, from improved vision and hearing, to a better sense of smell, to a generally greater sensitivity to the entire world.
- General Emotional State: Through studying these Arts, the student increases her or his feelings of personal security and self-worth, developing tranquility and strength of character alongside humility, self-control, and a healthy, positive energy.
Note: The complete study is in the “The Secret Art of Boabom†by Asanaro.
Summary of the Study:
Authors: Ismael Carvajal G., MD.
Francisco D. Göpfert, Psychologist.
Date of the Study: 2005
Number of respondents: 80 people
Question and results                    Graphics

Final Comments
The results of the present investigation allowed us to make a first approach to the positive effects that for years were verbally described by those who practice the discipline of Boabom. Starting from the obtained results, as in any investigation new questions arise that can only be answered through future investigative efforts, whether along the proposed lines or in any new direction which might emerge from the creative mind of any reader. Despite this, we cannot forget that the scientific thought is only one great method to come closer to knowledge, and in no way it is possible to fully broach the challenge of the individual experience. No matter how much we try to measure effects, understand processes, or evaluate the development of the practice of this discipline, no matter how much we analyze it in detail and later on categorize the results, never will the whole will be equal to the sum of the parts, and hardly will it be possible to transmit on paper the sensations and emotions of those who practice relaxation in movement, which, according to what has been presented in this work, gives multiple benefits to human development and to the quality of life of those who practice it. Investigation is necessary: it allows us to organize and present to others something as positive as Boabom, but it is naïve to think that it is enough.
February 28, 2005.
Health  > Scientific Study
“Boabom gives me flourishing health, breast a mind full of lucidity and joy,
a flexible and strong will. What more than this can be asked …?â€
(Quote from the book: [Nnu-Suto] The Secret Art of Boabom)
The Arts taught by our School can be described from many different points of view, but in their essence the ideals of health and vitality are always present. If you would like, you can read the opinions of some professionals who have taken our courses.
The ideals of health and vitality are an integral part of our Arts. They also speak of a health that is not merely physical but holistic: a concept of “being” and “feeling” well. Thus the health of our students improves drastically as they pass through the stages of our Art. This integral health is directly related to the equilibrium of body and mind developed by our teachings, strengthening our immune system and preventing future disease in all of the body’s integral systems.
Here is a summary of positive results reported by many students of Boabom:
- The Circulatory system: Boabom strengthening the heart through aerobic exercise and cleaning the arteries and veins (lowering cholesterol, ridding the student of excess fat, etcetera).
- The Respiratory system: By using the Boabom breathing techniques that enlarge lung capacity and clean the airways, helping the student to overcome asthma and respiratory ailments, as well as encourages and aids the student in quitting smoking.
- The Skeletal system: Boabom increasing bone mass and speeding up bone regeneration, making for generally healthier and more mobile bones and joints; helping to prevent and to cure diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, etcetera, serving as does a chiropractor or orthopedist, only self-applied.
- The Muscular system: Boabom developed a harmonious and healthy muscle development while simultaneously relaxing and re-energizing all of the muscles in the body.
- The Digestive system: By practicing Boabom cycles of movements, as a system of relaxation, the student’s body is aided in digestion, helping to cure ulcers, an irritated colon, and many other diseases.
- The Lymphatic system: Boabom increasing the processes related to the lymph-nodes. The positive energy developed by the student has a direct and positive effect on the body’s defenses, notably improving the immune system; the defenses of the human organism are inextricably tied to its mental and emotional state.
- The Nervous system: The Boabom student becoming more balanced and more centered, he or she rapidly overcomes depression and other negative mental states. The students sleep better as stress, with all of its attendant (trivial!) concerns, vanishes.
- The Sensory system: by the Boabom student finding an improvement in all of his or her senses, from improved vision and hearing, to a better sense of smell, to a generally greater sensitivity to the entire world.
- General Emotional State: Through studying these Arts, the student increases her or his feelings of personal security and self-worth, developing tranquility and strength of character alongside humility, self-control, and a healthy, positive energy.
Note: The complete study is in the “The Secret Art of Boabom†by Asanaro.
Summary of the Study:
Authors: Ismael Carvajal G., MD.
Francisco D. Göpfert, Psychologist.
Date of the Study: 2005
Number of respondents: 80 people
Question and results                    Graphics

Final Comments
The results of the present investigation allowed us to make a first approach to the positive effects that for years were verbally described by those who practice the discipline of Boabom. Starting from the obtained results, as in any investigation new questions arise that can only be answered through future investigative efforts, whether along the proposed lines or in any new direction which might emerge from the creative mind of any reader. Despite this, we cannot forget that the scientific thought is only one great method to come closer to knowledge, and in no way it is possible to fully broach the challenge of the individual experience. No matter how much we try to measure effects, understand processes, or evaluate the development of the practice of this discipline, no matter how much we analyze it in detail and later on categorize the results, never will the whole will be equal to the sum of the parts, and hardly will it be possible to transmit on paper the sensations and emotions of those who practice relaxation in movement, which, according to what has been presented in this work, gives multiple benefits to human development and to the quality of life of those who practice it. Investigation is necessary: it allows us to organize and present to others something as positive as Boabom, but it is naïve to think that it is enough.
February 28, 2005.
Yohan J., visit Boston University, about it MA, USA.
Article from “The Boabom Journal”
When you’re doing brain science you can get lost in the details — there are mountains of theory and data aimed at making sense of how humans and animals adapt to an ever-changing world. My work focuses on how animals and humans learn. Boabom has given me a refreshingly holistic take on learning — it offers a wider perspective on the facts and figures I sift through in my research. Now, I know I’m supposed to be concentrating 100% while the class is going on, but occasionally something causes a light to flicker on in my head — perhaps a few words the teacher says to help us learn a new movement or improve an old one. And I think: that sounds like something neuroscientists talk about! So now I’d like to share some of the ideas that have struck me over the past few months.
Little by little
This could be an unofficial Boabom slogan! Everything we learn accumulates little by little. Each movement is learned gradually, and the movements themselves grow and build upon each other. Once you have a few basic moves down, you find it easier to put more energy into them, and use them in slightly different contexts. Experimentalists who work with rats or monkeys often spend months training the animals to do basic tasks. But once these tasks are learned, the animals can use them to do new things more easily. They start by learning something specific, and soon they can generalize in novel and interesting ways.
The flip side of “little by little†is the fact that learning might just happen faster than you expect. Sometimes when I try out a new movement for the first time, I think: I’m going to take weeks to get this right. But the very next class I can detect a little improvement! Studies have shown that animals and humans trained on a task will perform better the next day, even without any extra practice! During sleep, a rat’s brain rapidly retraces the maze it was running that day. A good night’s sleep helps you sort and file what you’ve learned, so you can use it more effectively the next day. In fact we’re often told in class that it takes a little while to “rewire your brain†— this is literally true!
Each one is different
I remember once being quite surprised by a brain scan study I was reading. Normally, to get a clear result, you make a group of people do a task while they’re in the scanner, and then you average their brain scans because most brains are broadly similar. But in this study one subject’s brain was structured so differently from everyone else’s that they couldn’t use his data! This was a striking illustration of the fact the people differ in important and unpredictable ways. In Boabom class you see this too. Some students struggle with one thing, and others with something else entirely. And when we’re learning a new movement, each student might find a different style of explanation from the instructor helpful — a different metaphor. We can all do similar things with our bodies (and minds!) but we need different clues, symbols, and ideas to unlock our latent abilities.
Boabom is mind-expanding!
Every part of the body — each muscle and organ — is mapped to a region of the brain. Boabom shows us how a physical activity is not just about strengthening muscles or increasing stamina; a major part of the learning process is just figuring out how to acquire control over your body. It’s as if we’re given a sophisticated machine with lots of buttons and levers, but in our daily lives we only use a small subset of them for a few rudimentary activities — walking, sitting, eating, and watching a glowing screen! It gets to the point where we don’t even know where those buttons and levers are. Even if we wanted to do something more complicated or subtle, we wouldn’t know where to start! The buttons and levers are all in the brain; little by little Boabom reveals them to us, and teaches us how to use them. And this newly discovered control can manifest itself in contexts outside the specific movements we learn in the classroom. The brain is not like a computer, with each component doing one specific thing: its regions overlap and share functions and resources in ways that science still doesn’t fully understand. Learning to do something with one part of your brain can enhance abilities elsewhere. So in teaching us new ways to use our bodies, Boabom reveals new ways to use our minds! It is mind-expansion at its most enriching and fulfilling.
Am’ato Council
(Clarifications and ideas on Boabom)
For many it can be difficult to understand what is meant, technically, by the word Boabom. It’s easy to confuse the use of this term as a general concept and its use as a specific concept that pertains to a concrete form of the Art of Defense.
We can say the word “Boabom” is used in two ways:
In the first, “Boabom” is used as a generic term for all the systems, branches, and Arts developed within the Mmulargan schools. Therefore, we refer to our Schools thus, as Boabom Schools or Mmulargan Schools (or Mmulargan-Boabom), using them as synonyms, although technically they are not the same.
From this definition we can create terms like “Soft Boabom”, which is synonymous with Seamm-Jasani (a specific form or a soft Boabom style within the general idea of Boabom), or “Boabom with Elements” as a synonym for Yaanbao (a specific style that is dedicated to the development of technique through the use of external elements, like short or long sticks, swords, etc.).
In the second way, we use the word to refer specifically to Osseous Boabom, namely the Art of defense or of strong, solid and fast movement.
In fact, the development of our school does not end only with these concepts. There are 8 forms of Boabom, of which only 3 are taught (the soft form, the osseous or defense form, and the form with elements).
Thus Boabom can be drawn as a general term that is woven into a single braid; the Complete Boabom, an art that encompasses diverse threads and binds them together in a harmonious way, influencing each other, locked in a spiral … where the individual elements are manifestations of the same essence.
Yohan J., Boston University, MA, USA.
ArtÃculo publicado en “El Diario Boabom”
Cuando uno estudia la ciencia del cerebro puede perderse en los detalles – hay montañas de teorÃa y datos destinados a descubrir cómo los seres humanos y animales se adaptan a un mundo en constante cambio. Mi trabajo se centra en cómo los animales y los seres humanos aprenden. El Boabom me ha dado un refrescante punto de vista holÃstico sobre el aprendizaje – ofrece una perspectiva más amplia sobre los hechos y cifras que examino en mi investigación. Ahora, sé que se supone que debo concentrarme en un 100% mientras la clase está transcurriendo, pero de vez en cuando algo provoca una luz que parpadea en mi cabeza – tal vez unas pocas palabras que dice el profesor para ayudarnos a aprender un nuevo movimiento o a mejorar un antiguo. Y pienso, eso suena como algo de lo que hablan los neurocientÃficos! Asà que ahora me gustarÃa compartir algunas de las ideas que he estado analizando en los últimos meses.
“Poco a poco…”
¡Éste podrÃa ser un lema no oficial del Boabom! Todo lo que aprendemos se acumula poco a poco. Cada movimiento se aprende gradualmente, y los movimientos mismos crecen y se construyen uno sobre el otro. Una vez que uno tiene algunos movimientos básicos, se encuentra más fácil poner más energÃa en ellos y utilizarlos en contextos ligeramente diferentes. Experimentadores que trabajan con ratas o monos suelen pasar meses entrenando a los animales para que hagan tareas básicas. Pero una vez que estas tareas se aprenden, los animales pueden usarlas para hacer cosas nuevas con más facilidad. Comienzan aprendiendo algo especÃfico, y pronto pueden generalizarlo de nuevas e interesantes maneras.
La otra cara de “poco a poco†es el hecho de que el aprendizaje puede ocurrir más rápido de lo esperado. A veces, cuando hago un nuevo movimiento por primera vez, pienso: voy a tardar semanas en lograr hacerlo bien. ¡Pero la siguiente clase puedo detectar un poco de mejorÃa! Los estudios han demostrado que los animales y los seres humanos entrenados en el desempeño de una tarea lo harán mejor al dÃa siguiente, incluso sin ningún tipo de práctica adicional! Durante el sueño, el cerebro de una rata reconstruye rápidamente el laberinto por el que corrió ese dÃa. Una buena noche de sueño le ayudará a ordenar y archivar lo que ha aprendido, de manera que pueda usarlo de manera más eficaz al dÃa siguiente. De hecho, siempre se nos dice en la clase que toma un poco de tiempo para “recablear el cerebro†– ¡esto es literalmente cierto!
Cada uno es diferente
Recuerdo una vez haber estado muy sorprendido por un estudio sobre escaneo cerebral que estaba leyendo. Normalmente, para obtener un resultado claro, se hace realizar una tarea a un grupo de personas mientras están en el escáner y, a continuación, se promedian sus escaneos cerebrales ya que la mayorÃa de los cerebros son muy similares. Pero en este estudio, el cerebro de un sujeto se estructuraba de manera tan distinta a la de todos los demás que no se podÃa utilizar la información. Esto era un sorprendente ejemplo del hecho que la gente difiere en formas importantes e impredecibles. En una clase de Boabom se ve esto también. A algunos alumnos les cuesta una cosa, y a otros algo totalmente diferente. Y cuando estamos aprendiendo un nuevo movimiento, cada alumno puede encontrar útil una forma diferente de explicación del profesor – una metáfora diferente. Todos podemos hacer cosas similares con nuestros cuerpos (¡y mentes!), pero necesitamos diferentes pistas, sÃmbolos e ideas para desbloquear nuestras capacidades latentes.
¡El Boabom aumenta la capacidad mental!
Cada parte del cuerpo – cada músculo y órgano – está mapeado a una región del cerebro. El Boabom nos muestra cómo una actividad fÃsica no es sólo el fortalecimiento de los músculos o aumentar la resistencia, una parte importante del proceso de aprendizaje es descubrir la forma de adquirir el control sobre el cuerpo. Es como si nos hubiesen dado una sofisticada máquina con un montón de botones y palancas, pero en nuestra vida cotidiana sólo utilizamos una pequeña parte de ellos para unas pocas actividades rudimentarias – caminar, sentarse, comer y ¡mirar una pantalla brillante! Llegamos al punto en que ni siquiera sabemos dónde están los botones y palancas. Incluso si quisiéramos hacer algo más complicado o sutil, ¡no sabrÃamos por dónde empezar! Los botones y palancas se encuentran todos en el cerebro, poco a poco el Boabom nos los muestra, y nos enseña cómo usarlos. Y este nuevo control descubierto puede manifestarse en contextos fuera de los movimientos especÃficos que aprendemos en la clase. El cerebro no es como un computador, con cada uno de los componentes haciendo una cosa especÃfica: sus regiones se superponen y comparten funciones y recursos de manera que la ciencia aún no entiende completamente. Aprender a hacer algo con una parte de su cerebro puede aumentar la capacidad en otros lugares. Por lo tanto, al enseñarnos nuevas formas de utilizar nuestros cuerpos, ¡el Boabom revela nuevas formas de utilizar nuestras mentes! Es expansión de la mente en la forma más enriquecedora y satisfactoria.
Consejo Am’ato
(Aclaraciones e ideas sobre el Boabom)
Para mucho es complicado entender qué abarca, técnicamente, la palabra Boabom. Es fácil confundir el uso de este término como un concepto general, y su uso como un concepto especÃfico que sólo involucra un forma concreta de Arte de Defensa.
En resumen podemos decir que la palabra “Boabom” se usa de dos formas:
En la primera se usa cómo término genérico que abarca todos los sistemas, ramas o Artes que desarrollas las Escuela Mmulargan. Por ello, para referirnos a nuestras Escuelas simplemente decimos; Escuelas de Boabom o Escuelas Mmulargan (o Mmulargan-Boabom), como sinónimos, aunque estrictamente no sea lo mismo.
En base a esta idea podemos crear términos como: “Boabom Suave”, sinónimo de “Seamm-Jasani” (es decir Seamm-Jasani es una forma especÃfica de Boabom o un estilo suave dentro de la idea general de Boabom), por otra parte tenemos el “Boabom de los Elementos”, como sinónimo de “Yaanbao” (es decir, un estilo especÃfico de Boabom que se dedica al desarrollo de la técnica a través del uso de elementos externos, como varas cortas, largas, espada etc.)
La segunda forma de usar la palabra Boabom es referirnos especÃficamente al Boabom Óseo, es decir, al Arte como Defensa o como movimiento fuerte, sólido y veloz.
De hecho el desarrollo de nuestra Escuela no termina sólo con estos conceptos. Existen 8 formas de Boabom, y actualmente sólo se enseñan 3 de ellas (la suave, la ósea o de defensa y la de los elementos).
AsÃ, Boabom podrÃa dibujarse como un termino general que se une o teje en una sola trenza; el Gran Boabom, un arte que abarca diversas ramas y que las hace trabajar de manera armoniosa, influyéndose unas a otras, enlazándole en espiral… siendo todas ellas manifestación de una misma esencia.
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