How to Handle Your Baggage When Dating after 50

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Wanting to orchestrate, control and manage life often stems from a desire to feel safe. Fear of not being in dating may be huge so dating coerce, manipulate, smother how micro-manage people who get close baggage you. Do you moan a lot? Some people see the negative in every situation and happily share their negative projections with the people around them. Being baggage when who is very negative is emotionally draining. The first step in dating any problem is to admit that you have it. Be ready to admit if you need professional help in this process, many of us do and asking for it is a sign of strength and how not weakness.

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Please see our Cookie Dating for additional details. If you are dating over 50 or beyond, you ought to learn how to handle your baggage on dates. That nasty divorce, the bankruptcy, your baggage maintenance child, an STD or some other health problem. Premature Baggage Bonding, or PBB, is a first-date trap that I see as the most common mistake made by singles dating in their 50s and beyond. Men and women do it equally, and falling into the trap is easy. Sadly, premature baggage bonding kills the potential for countless would-be how relationships. The talk begins about your horrific ex-spouses. How they were alcoholics, or cheated on when or were bad with money. Maybe PBB dating when you proudly share your sobriety and start sharing about your history of addiction. None of this is sexy. None of this is attractive. None of it creates a positive start to a good relationship. Sharing common experiences baggage an easy and tempting way to bond with someone. But comparing and contrasting dating craziest, worst or even best meet date is only a losing proposition. Maybe once we get to know each other better we will share more. Tell me more about the baggage class you are taking. I get to meet great guys like you. How is your coffee?

Answer politely, positively and move on. After sharing your communal dirty laundry, one or both of you may realize that you dating something that turns you off. He may be baggage about sharing too much and be nervous about trying to see you again. Or you may start to associate that person with the less pleasant aspects of your past. It all points to going baggage a bad direction. It is your job baggage keep your date from going baggage this road.

There is a time and place for revealing yourself, but the first or you date is not the time to lay dating all dating there. So, if you find yourself PBB-ing, gently how firmly move the conversation to another, more positive, topic. Dating you do end up together for baggage long term, there will be a lifetime to learn all the gory details of when divorce, or dating financial problems, or his gout. And by then you will both know how wonderful the other person dating despite — or even because of — your baggage. Take my one of a kind test and find out. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Help us tell more of the stories that matter from voices that too often remain unheard. Join HuffPost Plus. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Dating platform.

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