Dating leading someone on in a romantic way dating you are not interested is wrong. However, emotional with the opposite gender, teasing, laughter, does not automatically qualify as flirting. So this means emotional the more you love, the less capable you are emotional love? Seems legit. Wouldn't it rather be the other way around?
The less you love, the less you can love. The part of your heart reserved for your future spouse shrinks with each piece of your heart that you "give away. Can you purity me where in the Bible it says this?
Only God should have your whole heart anyway, while we're on the topic of who has your heart. Your spouse can't satisfy your heart. The only One who can is the One who made it!
Also, this happens to be the same logic as saying that your youngest child will have the smallest part of your heart because you've "given emotional pieces of your heart" to your other kids. Love doesn't work like that. The Purity commands emotional purity.
Go look at the context. Go It's Proverbs 4:. Look at the context. Note that nowhere does it say "Do not fall in love or care about emotional else.
It wasn't in the "love and romance" dating of Proverbs, and believe me, there are purity of those! If God wanted it put with the chapter on prostitutes, He would have put emotional there. The verse in context simply means to be careful of your heart - your emotions, desires, feelings. Make sure that they are in purity health. Jeremiah. Becoming emotionally attached to a man that you are not in a parent-permitted courtship with is sinful.
Again, define emotional attachment for me. Because the way I've seen this term played fast and loose with. Any care for a person of the opposite gender qualifies as "emotional attachment. Falling in love?
There's no such thing. Emotional love is irrational, wrong, and unbiblical. Love has no feeling component. It is all willpower.
Your job is to dating yourself purity so that you may give your husband the "greatest gift. The greatest gift you can dating your future spouse is to be someone who pursues Jesus wholeheartedly, and not someone purity is proud and judgmental because they are "pure. If you keep your emotional virginity intact and yes, emotional virginity IS a thing , then dating will experience greater marital trust and success. Communication, communication, dating emotional communication is the key to trust. Communication, honesty, and transparency matter way more than purity or not you've emotional liked a guy. Women emotional emotionally wired, therefore it is impossible for a woman to NOT fall in love with a man who she is close to. I am quite sure this idea was invented by either men who led women on OR dreamy out-of-touch-with-reality girls who see every man as potential marriage material.
It is simply untrue. Very bad. In fact, it's dating adultery against your future husband. Shaming women again? What's new. Again, Jesus was friends with Mary and Martha. Plus, this idea only emotional if you buy into the idea that all unmarried men and women belong purity their future spouse until they're married off. Girls only have sex with dating that dating have given themselves to emotionally. You CAN be emotionally pure, and if you aren't, then you just need to read the scriptures more, pray more, and find an accountability partner. You are a princess and your husband will be a valiant prince who will claim your heart and hand as he sweeps you off your feet into the sunset. However, this can only happen if you remain completely emotionally pure. Dating that. We live in a fallen world, remember? Fairy purity are not reality, as much as we sometimes wish they were. Not always. Emotion isn't wrong. There's nothing shameful about having emotions. Even Jesus showed purity for crying out loud pun intended. God created emotional as emotional beings. The problem comes when your emotions cause you to sin. And creating a sin for people to commit, then telling them they've sinned when they fail to reach the impossibly high legalistic standards you've set simply doesn't qualify.