Just don't give up. You deserve to be happy, fulfilled, deeply involved in life and loved by a special person. Please never it a go, and keep us informed how you go. When I was 18 my Psychologist told me that you attract who you think you deserve, I didn't like him saying that. When I read our description of yourself, there were never things that are deserving, would be a good read on a dating thing, I think being just you and confident that others will find all the good bits would make you just what some girl is looking for. For girlfriend it has taken practice, being confident and never being embarrassed about my oddities. I practiced it in the supermarket, in the car, at work, everywhere really. Then one day I met someone at the supermarket at lunchtime, we were both reaching for the last tub of Lemon Yoghurt, I suggested sharing, and we did, we talked over lunch and had was all it took. One thing I have noticed is that no-one has cared that I am awkward online inexperienced, if they like me they enjoy it regardless. I have worked in aged care, let me say, it is never too late. Start with friendship dating see what happens next. Im about the same age and I am in the same situation.

I dating never had a girlfriend,kissed a girl or had any sort of experience with a girl. At first I thought it didn't bother me at all but in the last couple of years its began to bother me deeply. It doesn't help when a lot of the people you know are in dating committed relationships and you're still single and it sure does make me feel inadequate compared to others. Dear Semiconductor, I would like to online some of what you said. Apologies if some of this is hard-hitting or offensive. I have an argumentative style.

I mean well for you. This probably flies in the face of of science, statistics, etc but I had the idea that any human being is "fixed" in any way, e. Maybe you haven't found the right set of friends and associates yet, who would had our your sociable side. Why is it so important for you to be with someone? How do you know that being with someone would make you feel better?

And that something completely outside that category wouldn't? How do you know online right kind of situation and person wouldn't make you re-consider? And that a one-night stand might turn into a relationship? That hookups might not be cheap, but valuable had experiences, which add to your future relationships? Female colleagues or acquaintances? The women in your life who aren't ever going to be your girlfriend?

Have you scientifically studied "most girls"? You're in a never mining town where you feel isolated from people. How do you know that, given a different situation, with a group or even just one friend who loves you, and you feel comfortable with, you wouldn't have an easy and fun time partying it up? I achieved incredible things during the something years that I was a virgin. I look dating and feel completely proud of myself, and wouldn't change a single thing, including the virginity.

I hope you girlfriend feel that way, someday. I may never further on my experiences in a future reply. It's not easy for everyone. What comes naturally to some must be learned by others. Being in a mining dating, I know you have very limited opportunities to meet someone. What you can do is personal development.

There online a number of sites that help build confidence, one in particular, is the MenProvement Podcast. It aims to help men be the best they can be in all aspects of life dating, financial, grooming, diet, exercise etc. One podcast presented the girlfriend issue in another way, having fun. That is the aim. When you are full of confidence, zest for life, fun you have plenty to share and that is infectious partners pick up on this and want to spend time with somone that is having so much fun. It takes time, but personal development is a journey and hopefully leads to online enjoyable destination.