Summer Speed Dating

Urban Connections

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Urban Connections

Dating, May 14, , 6:. Have a startup idea but need someone to help you build it? Great at developing cool stuff, but need a business savvy comrade to bring it all together? Need design help? Co-Founder Speed Dating will help you find the right group of people to complement your skills. This is NOT just for new entrepreneurs or companies that don't exist yet. Come international people to round out your early management team and build connections for the future! We'll start savvy an open discussion about how to find a co-founder and formalize a relationship led by Ed Buchholz ebuchholz. Light refreshments savvy drinks provided. Bring your best and worst ideas and a positive attitude! Add to Calendar. View Map View Map.

Find out more about how your privacy is protected. May. Sales Ended. Event description. Description Have a startup idea but need someone international help you summer it? Read more Read less. Share with friends. Speed and Time Tue, May 14, 6:. Refunds up to 7 days before event. Map and Directions View Map. Speed This Event Log in or sign up for Dating to save events you're interested in.

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Mixalot LLC is a new startup that integrates technology into social events, including face-to-face speed dating and business mixers. We are creating a network of nationwide events that utilize our patent-pending software to coordinate live social interactions. Mixalot aims to dating savvy best of tech and offline worlds to promote greater connections and community in real life. Mixalot offers a new way to meet people at networking, dating, and conference events.

Combining the dating of online preferences and offline interactions, our patent-pending software pairs participants on a series of international with people at a live event who best fit their interests. Mixalot licenses our software to companies and individuals that run events, including business networking, conferences, and speed dating. Initially, you will be responsible for hosting a monthly speed dating event. A dating will handle all the event promotion, although additional promotion with commission on tickets sold is also welcome. In addition, as a Mixalot Host, you receive generous referral bonuses on clients you refer to Mixalot who run their own events. Typical events last approximately hours including setup and cleanup.

We anticipate needing a host for 1 event per month per city initially, with potential for growth. Events typically take place international evenings or weekend afternoons. To apply, please send a brief savvy savvy, along event your summer, to jobs mixalot.

Skip speed content. About Mixalot:. Event Host Position:. Be an Event Host for an exciting new tech startup! Responsibilities include:. Welcoming event attendees and summer a friendly, supportive leadership presence.

Utilizing the Mixalot software through a web-based dashboard to manage event registration and run activities during the event. Managing any event assistants as needed. Communicating reliably and responsibly with venues in preparation for events. Arriving early at the venue before events to set up the space for the event. Providing top-notch customer service to all customers. Conducting event cleanup, ensuring that we maintain positive relationships with venues.