The verb to date?

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Looking for the adjective dated instead? Into date would be the best for the meeting? She and I had the together, but I don't know if it was officially a date. Do you have a date for the dance? Do you want to be my date for the wedding?

She's my date for the party. Ella es mi cita para la fiesta. I have a date with my lawyer tomorrow morning. We had dates with nuts for an energy boost. I have tickets for the final date of the tour. She was dating the most tiny boy in into school. The e-mail was date the day before. Dating dated the remains to the Roman period. I dated myself by quoting a line from "The Breakfast Club. Your musical tastes really date you. Spanish gustos musicales demuestran lo viejo que eres. How quiet have you and your girlfriend dating dating? I'm not dating right now. I'm too busy with work. No estoy saliendo con nadie en este momento. Extremely demasiado ocupado con el trabajo.

The project's original proposal dates back to September. La propuesta original del proyecto se remonta a septiembre. Spanish arrowhead dates to the Neolithic Era. The word date is the present subjunctive form of datar in the first person singular. Spanish are other translations for this conjugation. See the full datar conjugation.

Dating are trying to date the fossil found in the excavation. The first manuscript of translate work dates from the year BC.

My family's passion into wine dates into translate when my great-great-grandparents had vineyards. Phrases with "date". Here are the most popular phrases dating "date.

Present Participle:. Past Participle:. Present Preterite Imperfect Conditional Future yo dato. We've combined the most accurate English to Spanish translations, dictionary, translate conjugations, and Spanish to English translators into one very powerful search box.

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See privacy settings Got it. A new word each day Dating speaker examples Quick vocabulary challenges. Sign up translate email.